Course curriculum

    1. Terms of Use Agreement for Continuing Education Credit

    2. 1.5 Hour

About this course

  • 0.15 CEU (1.5 hour presentation)
  • Approved in: AK, AL, CO, GA, IN, PA, TN | ICC Course #26363
  • Instructors: Mark R. Hilbert


Mark Hilbert

Mark is a retired Chief Electrical Inspector for the State of New Hampshire and now operates a private electrical inspection, training, and consulting business. He is an electrical AHJ on behalf of Hoydar-Buck, Inc. and is the Deputy Electrical AHJ for the Portsmouth and Paducah DOE sites. He is a former member of NEC CMP-4 and CMP-2. He is currently a principal member of NEC CMP-15, NFPA 79 Committee regarding Electrical Equipment on Industrial Machinery, and the NFPA 70E Committee on Electrical Safety in the Workplace.